Many business professionals work hard to succeed. They put in long hours at the office, spend most of their days away from their loved ones, and put most of their time and energy into ensuring that they consistently perform quality work for their employers. This is the only surefire way to succeed in business today. There simply is not room for error in this day and age. People have less tolerance for tomfoolery and repeated mistakes, so it stands to reason then that companies have the same ideas regarding their employees. Businesses today expect their employees to go the extra mile to ensure that the business thrives and is able to consistently turn out a tidy profit. In older times, people could get away with being kind of lazy with regard to their business activities, but those days are long gone. It is absolutely that every employee of a particular business operates at the top of his or her game, even if he or she is a janitor, or if he or she is the head cheese.
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